J.C. Matamoros
His organisation skills triumph over all of his other strengths and thanks to them, he has made a name for himself over the years as a great musician and person. Despite these skills, however, it is his tender personality that makes his music captivating.

Álvaro Martínez
Conocimiento de estilos, lo que le convierte en auténticamente versátil. Tímido en apariencia, traspasa, sin embargo, todos los límites de quien le escucha. Convertido en el más maduro en años del conjunto, exhibe con la experiencia su dominio de la expresión.

Miguel J. Martínez “Viriato”
A direct and creative personality. Shamelessly celebratory in his music and his capacity to make it a reality, his optimism, joy, and experience come together to allow him to coordinate projects and transform them into reality. What was once just an idea is now a living piece of music.

Francisco Juan “Kiko”
With the innate musical knowledge of someone from the East of Spain, he has come to be known as a complete musician within his domain. His calm and inquiring temperament allows him to fit into whatever field he wishes and they make him an excellent complement to any project, regardless of its importance.